Today the twins are a week old! The time has seemed so fast and slow at the same time. Matt dropped me of at the NICU at 8:30am to spend the morning with the boys. Today’s task – renting a different breast pump, my nipples are killing me!!
Jude had lost just a little weight and is 4 lbs. 13 oz. He also had a really bad apnea spell overnight, it was 40 seconds long which is not good at all. So they will be watching him closely. It made me so thankful they are in the NICU though to receive round the clock care. He is still snug in his isolette.

Zeke gets to come off his cannula today! He is doing so good. His weight is up at 5 lbs 5 oz. He has a little eye discharge in both eyes and so they are culturing that and starting him on some eye drops to clear it up. Jude also has it a little but not as bad. Zeke had his first bath after ditching his cannula and so he got all the sticky stuff of his face and it is so fun to look at him now without all of that.
Picture: Zeke earlier in the day.

Zeke slept through both of his allotted attempts at breastfeeding today but it was so good to just snuggle with him skin to skin.
Gramma Beth dropped Ayla off at preschool and visited the boys for the noon feeding. She got to hold both of the boys. She also said a very tearful goodbye as she left the NICU to go to the airport. We appreciate her help so much over the last week and will miss her a lot!
Uncle Tyler and Aunt Caitlin brought over pizza for supper and then we headed up to the NICU with them and the girls for the evening feeding. The girls are not allowed in the NICU right now. Eden doesn’t meet the age requirement and Ayla has a runny nose. Matt went in with Tyler and Caitlin and they visited with the boys.
While they were in the NICU another preemie baby was born and so Tyler and Caitlin had to leave so they didn't get a picture with Zeke. They took the girls home to put them to bed and I went in to feed the boys. While in there we overhead all the commotion going on with the new baby. It was 3 lbs and sounded like it had some cardio and lung problems. They transferred it to another hospital. The mother is only 16 and it sounded like they had some interesting family issues. It was rather heartbreaking so for those prayer warriors please say a prayer for that little baby and the family.
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