Jude & Zeke Day 18 – Monday 4/11/11
I’m writing this update from the “rooming in” room at the NICU … which means JUDE PASSED HIS TESTS!!! He did fabulous on his sleep study and car seat tests. His weight is up to 5 lbs 9 oz. It is so good holding him without wires and cords. So far so good with him in the room. The room is right across the hall from the NICU and the nurses come in every three hours to check on him and wake him up for a feeding. I have him parked right next to the bed so I can check on him and I’ve checked a hundred times to make sure he is breathing. Probably not going to sleep much tonight …
Picture: Jude leaving the NICU to go to the "rooming in" room with Mom & Dad

Picture: Jude in the "rooming in" room all set for the night.

Zeke is doing great with his feedings and today was increased again to two feedings by mouth and then one gavage, repeating that pattern throughout the day. I would not be surprised if they allow him full feedings tomorrow. He is doing so good! He also broke the 6 lb mark today which is awesome. He looks like he is filling out. He is still having some episodes which means he is at least 5 days from coming home. They suspect his episodes are from reflux so they may have to do some GI testing and medicine.
Ayla & Eden are staying the night with Gramannette and Ppa. Ever since they visited the boys on Saturday they have been playing with their loveys and they each have their own Jude & Zeke stuffed animal and have been practicing putting them to bed. Its super cute!
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