Today I went to the hospital at 11am for the boys feeding and I found Grandpa Mike and Grandma Allison waiting there for us. They have flown in for a very quick trip to meet the boys!
The boys are doing better today. Both of them are back up to their birth weights.
Zeke also lost his umbilical cord overnight and has a cute little belly button! He is continuing to have issues with reflux. The doctor came by to give me updates and said his recent episode and another one he had overnight is due to his reflux. They are going to try elevating his bed but they may need to thicken his formula. This is not too surprising to Matt and I as both Ayla and Eden were major spitters and had to be on reflux medication.
Picture: Zeke pulled his feeding tube out (again!) and so I snapped a quick pic without any tubes!
Picture: Zeke lost his umbilical cord!

Jude is cruising along well. No other episodes since the other night so I’m hoping he can continue that trend. He has got a little eye goop going on like Zeke had so they are culturing that and may need to treat it with eye drops.

Grandma & Grandpa really seemed to enjoy meeting the boys and comparing their little features. After the first feeding we went to the 620 café and got a late lunch, then Grandma & Grandpa brought Eden back to the house to wait for Ayla to get home from preschool and hang out while Matt and I went back for the 2:30pm feeding.
We went out to my favorite tex-mex place called Chuy’s and then visited the Round Rock and looked at the wagon trail tracks in the limestone and hunted for frogs. Then Matt and I went back to the hospital for the evening feeding. Daddy got to hold both boys at the same time. That was the first time I had to tell him it was time to go, he was all snug and enjoying his time with the boys. All and all a pretty good day!

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