We started our Easter celebrations with egg dying and we had a lot of fun. The girls made lots of beautiful creations and I think Matt had just as much fun as they did!

This is what the boys did during the whole egg production. It was fun just having them close by.

Then we started on our Easter Garden. The Easter Garden is one of my family traditions to make. The girls went out to the yard to find sticks for the cross and a rock for the tomb. Then we came inside to put it all together while Daddy gave them a little Easter lesson. Then we sealed the tomb with the stone and the rest of the story would be told in the morning when the stone was rolled away!
Picture: The finished project!

Picture: This picture didn't turn out the best, I forgot to tell Matt the setting was changed :) but you can see us putting it together.

Sunday morning the girls came in to wake us up. We had told them that there might be a surprise for them in the morning but they had to come wake us up first. Ayla kept saying, "this is the best Easter EVER" and this was before she had seen a single thing!
Picture: Ayla, Eden, Jude & Zeke with all their Easter Baskets. They had some from us and some from Grandpa Mike & Grandma Allison and Gramma Beth & Gene. (not sure I have clearance to call him Grandpa Gene yet ;) )

Picture: Ayla sporting her new sunglasses ... I think she likes them!

Picture: Eden with her new pair of sunglasses. Super cute!

Picture: Ayla enjoying going through all her new stuff.

Then we headed outside for our Easter Egg hunt. Ayla is quite a bit speedier than Eden but they both had a blast finding all the goodies. We need some more hiding places next year!

While mommy & daddy were busy getting those precious pictures, the girls were going through their Easter Baskets. They found some fingernail polish from Gramma Beth and hunkered down into a corner to sneakily try their hand at painting their toes. I was trying hard not to laugh when I caught them. The pic I snapped is fuzzy (I had to get it quick!) but Eden's expression is priceless!

Then Matt & the girls headed over to Gramannette's & Ppa Joe's for some Easter fajitas (Yeah I know, its weird :) ) and some more Easter fun. Then back home for some pizza and more sugar.
I really missed not going to church this year. Probably one of the first Easters I have missed (would have to consult with my parents on that) but we have to keep the boys home to keep them protected until they get a little older.
It was a great weekend with my family. I feel so blessed with what God has given -- it was a great weekend to remember the eternal and overflowing life that was bought at such a high price and just to be happy and content with the blessings God has given us. We feel so happy and grateful that God has brought this family together.
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