Today was Jude's first doctors appointment with his pediatrician. He is doing great. He gets to stop his eye drops which we all hate and he has gained 6 oz. in the three days he has been home and is now over 6 lbs. The doctor calls him an over achiever!

I went morning and evening feedings with Zeke. He is doing so good! When I arrived at the NICU I found my son doing this ...

I am going to have to work with him on becoming a Husker fan!
The bad news was at the evening appointment while he was breastfeeding he had a desat and turned blue. Technically this was a "choking episode" and I almost cried because I was afraid that they would count it and he would have to start his count down over.
I was able to talk to the doctor and they said it would not count but we needed to go to solely bottle feeding him so his feedings could be thickened. I am sad I have to discontinue breastfeeding but the most important thing is to get him home and have him be healthy.
Looks like things are all set for Saturday for his tests. I am praying we have no more episodes and can get him home!
Pictures: Mommy & Zeke in the NICU.

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