The big news today - I got to hold Zeke today!! Previously I had only seen him open his eyes once, but as soon as I got him in my arms he opened his eyes and gazed at me for awhile ... one of the most amazing experiences of my life!
Picture: This was the moment I held him for the first time, he opened his eyes and just studied me. It was amazing! I cried!
Picture: Daddy holds Zeke for the first time since briefly after the c-section.
Jude gets to up his feeds to 23 mls and his weight is 4 lbs 13 oz. Still eating great and overall seems to be doing really well. He got another bath and smells so good.
Picture: Jude all snug in his bed.
Picture: Mommy & Jude
Picture: Daddy feeding Jude his bottle
Zeke gets to up his feeds to 12 mls and he acts hungry all the time. Still eating through the feeding tube. Later in the day he got upped again to 14 mls.
Picture: Mommy with Jude, Daddy with ZekePicture: Mommy with Jude & Daddy with Zeke, together for the first time since birth.
Picture: Checking out the boys and seeing how they looked alike and different.
My pressures started going up today and I am supposed to be going home from the hospital. The dr. came back and decided I could be discharged but needed to be on some blood pressure meds. It was bittersweet going home. I hated to leave without my boys and it was very difficult but I was so excited to have some down time with the girls.
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