Gramma Beth and I headed to the NICU to be there for the boys feeding at 8:30am and I had a dr. appointment at 11am with my OB and then back to feed the boys for their noon time feeding.
Zeke had a big accomplishment; he is down to 2 liters on his cannula which means he gets to eat by mouth!! His first try was breastfeeding. We got all settled in and he latched on the very first try beautifully and stayed on for about 5 minutes. Both boys are going to be great nursers, now I just have to pray that I can get more breastmilk in. I wasn’t able to breastfeed my girls because of no supply but I have more now than I ever had with the girls but not enough to even be close to feeding both of them at this point. I’m also on the diuretic which is hurting my supply, hopefully off that in a few days when my swelling goes down.
Picture: Zeke and Jerra chatting after his first time breastfeeding. He did so good!

Picture: Enjoying some snuggly time with Zeke

Zeke is up to 5lb 4.1oz and gets to up his feedings to 28ml. After his chance at breastfeeding we tried the bottle. He went after it right away but when milk came with it he sort of freaked out … too used to the tube feedings and the pacifier. So he doesn’t have the suck, swallow, breathe coordination yet and will need to keep up his tube feedings. We will attempt it again in a couple of days. Meanwhile he is approved to try at breastfeeding twice a day as he was able to keep up his oxygen stats while feeding.
Picture: Zeke takes his first bottle, he was not a fan.

Jude’s weight is back down today at 4 lbs 14.3 oz and gets to up his feedings to 36mls. He is having trouble maintaining his body temperature. It is in the 97 degree range by armpit and then they took it rectally and it was 95! Not good! So he was put in an isolette. It really seemed like a step backwards to me but the nurses said he will be able to use all his calories to put on weight instead of maintain his temperature and the weight gain will then help him with maintaining his temperature. He looks so cute snuggled into his isolette.
Picture: Jude all relaxed as he was put under the warmer to warm back up. He is so darling!
Pictures: Jude in his isolette all snug as a bug.
Jude also is taking enough fluids and nutrients by mouth that he was able to take out the IV!! Which means one less thing to get tangled in and less pain with it out.
Both boys are at 35 weeks corrected age which means they no longer qualify for donor breastmilk. So they have been started on neosure preemie formula mixed with whatever I can provide them. Both are having some major spit ups on it so please pray my milk supply increases and I can give them more.
The boys jaundice levels are improving so they were taking off bili lights today as well.
When we went back for their evening feed Zeke was doing great with his cannula and had it decreased again to 1 liter, next step is removing it and just going on room air!

Gramma Beth got to hold Zeke for the first time today!

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