The twins are two weeks old today!! As another bonus I have been released to drive which makes it a lot easier to get back and forth to the NICU. I must admit I was a little nervous getting in the drivers seat again but it went well!
I got to the NICU to feed Zeke first. He has been started on a formula thickener. I breastfed him and then he finished with the formula and did pretty well taking most of that feeding.
Then Jude seemed to be getting really frustrated with eating today. I think he has definitely discovered its way easier getting fed through the bottle. By the time he got his bottle he even slurped down his vitamins which are nasty but he didn't seem to mind.
In the afternoon feeding I spoke with the nurse practitioner. Jude's eye culture is back and he will need to have some eye drops for a few days. We also discussed his progress and it looks like if he doesn't have another episode he will have his car seat and sleep study done on Sunday night and then possibly come home on Monday. Trying not to get my hopes up cause I know what happened last time! Progress anyway ...
Picture: My sweet little Jude!

Then we talked about Zeke. This nurse practitioner Mary is my favorite. She is very down to earth and easy to talk to about issues with my kids and I always can count on getting her honest opinion and not an "i'm supposed to say this" speech.
We talked about Zeke's slow progress in eating and she suggested we might want to try a few days of just bottle feeding. He is exhausting himself trying to breastfeed and since I have a very low supply its a lot of calorie burn for not taking much in. Plus with his reflux issues he needs a thickening agent in his bottle to keep it down. I had been feeling exactly the same way and am excited to give that a try and see how he does. It would be so awesome if he gets the hang of it and can come home soon!
Picture: My sweet little Zeke!

Ayla & Eden are enjoying an afternoon of fun with daddy at Ayla's school carnival. Then Matt & I are going to the Austin Mother's of Multiples consignment sale to get a few more items we need for the boys. I will miss not seeing the boys and saying goodnight but it will be nice to have a little break too.
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