Jude & Zeke Day 21 – Thursday 4/14/11
Yesterday afternoon Zeke had a pretty significant choking episode. He dropped his stats and even had to get oxygen to get out of it. First time that is happened since he got off his cannula over a week ago.
This morning I got a report on Zeke’s weight. He is up to 6 lbs 7 oz. and doing great. You can really see he is filling out and he seems so much bigger than Jude whose last recorded weight was 5 lbs 11 oz.
Pictures: Zeke is getting so much bigger! He has decided he loves eating ...
We have been getting frustrated with all of the turn over with different doctors and nurses. Each of them do something different and aren’t always there to provide continuity of care. It seems like this will be getting addressed and things can start getting communicated better between all of them on how to treat Zeke’s reflux and choking episodes.
I just got back from the nighttime feeding and there were no new episodes for Zeke, so if he continues down that path we will be doing the sleep study and car seat test on Saturday night and possibly be home with him on Sunday. I REALLY hope that happens!
Jude is doing great at home. He is super snuggly and such a sweet little baby. He is eating well and last night we got 4 hours of sleep in a row … woo hoo!!! The girls are also enjoying their time with him very much!
Picture: Big Sister Ayla with Jude!

Picture: Big Sister Eden with Jude!

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