Saturday, April 2, 2011

Jude & Zeke Day 6 – Wednesday 3/30/11

Jude & Zeke Day 6 – Wednesday 3/30/11

Jude gets to up his feeds to 30 mls and his weight is 4 lbs 14.3oz. He is starting to have some apnea episodes which are very scary when they happen but the nurses say they are all normal preemie issues. It is something he will have to outgrow before he can come home.

Zeke got to have his cannula turn down to 3 Liters. He will have to get to 2 liters in order to try to eat by bottle or breast. His weight is 5lbs. 3 oz.

Since I am at home now I had to schedule my time in the nicu. I thought it would be doable to make it to three of their feedings a day. I am spending the morning from 8:30 – 1:30 at the nicu which covers two feeding times and gives me time to hold the babies and then spending the afternoon and dinnertime with the girls, putting them to bed and then going back at 8:30 for their feeding.

Today I spent the morning in the NICU and when I got home my body began swelling really rapidly to the point I couldn’t recognize my feet and my face and even my ears were swelling. It felt like it was just going to keep filling up with water. So I laid down for awhile and then got a bad headache and my muscles started shaking, which felt more like fatigue than a seizure but it was still concerning. I called my OB and was told to go the ER. When I arrived they took my pressure and it was 162/74, about 5 minutes later I was back in a room and it felt like the swelling was rapidly going back down. They took my pressure and it was 113/80 a very drastic difference. So they called the OB and I was started on a diuretic for swelling and sent home.

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