Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Jude & Zeke Day 13 – Wednesday 4/6/11

Jude & Zeke Day 13 – Wednesday 4/6/11

Yesterday afternoon Ayla spiked a temperature of 102. We have had to be very careful about not exposing our babies to any sicknesses so I was worried when I saw her with a temp and knowing Jude might be coming home soon. I also felt bad for Ayla, she was acting so sick and miserable.

Last night right as Matt and I were arriving at the NICU Jude was in the middle of having an episode. It started with a period of apnea (a pause in breathing) and then it was followed by a Brady (dip in heart rate) and lowered oxygen saturation. It wasn’t that long and he brought himself out of it but the nurse said the dr. will probably count that as an episode and he may have to start his countdown over.

I had a lot of mixed feelings about it. I was sad we weren’t going to be taking Jude home yet but I also felt better that it would give Ayla some time to get better and Zeke some time to catch up to him.

When I arrived at the NICU this morning the nurse confirmed that Jude was starting his countdown over. By that time I was really relieved they were keeping him because it is so scary to me and I want to make sure he is better.

At the noon feeding Zeke had a REALLY scary episode. Prior to this Zeke hadn’t had any troubles of any kind with bradys or apneas since he got off the nasal cannula. He had breastfed really well and then was taking his bottle and he fell asleep. I burped him and then all the sudden his alarms started going off. At first it wasn’t too scary because sometimes they have little dips or false alarms, but his oxygen stats just kept going lower and lower.

I looked at him and he started turning blue around the lips and then it spread across his body. I was holding him in my arms and he just would not breathe and was so limp. His oxygen stats were dipping into the 40’s. I was rubbing him trying to get him to respond but he just wouldn’t. The nurse started rubbing him too and after what seemed like forever his stats finally started going back up. It was so terrifying.

Neither of the boys would eat very well at that feeding either. I left the NICU in tears feeling so scared and frustrated. However the boys are both starting over with countdowns after both of their episodes. Hopefully in that time Zeke can start taking everything by bottle and be gaining weight. I would love it if they could come home together.

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