Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Health Victory!

Wow! So it’s been a LONG time since I’ve updated this blog and a lot has happened since then! 

I have just overcome a very hard-fought battle for health! I think I’m still on the road to optimal health but I am functioning again. For the better part of a year I had such severe fatigue I could hardly get out of bed and when I did I was passing out, all of this while my twins were just infants. I was diagnosed with severe hypothyroid but my doctor couldn’t get me in range and the process to get me there was such a slow process. Test me, see I’m out of range still, adjust my meds, wait another agonizing 5 weeks until I can test again, and on and on. 

One day in July I woke up with a migraine and by the end of the day my head and arms were shaking non-stop with fine tremors. It looked like I had Parkinson’s disease and I was so scared. The fatigue was still horrible but my thyroid was in “normal” range. I went to the doctor and they were getting ready to send me to multiple specialists and I had an MRI done. 

Meanwhile a friend had told me about this doctor, Dr. Glen Luepnitz. He is a natural health doctor and nutritional counselor that helped her find a diagnosis for a condition that a traditional doctor could not find answers for.  I thought, what I’m doing is not working; I really should try this out. 

So I got an appointment and went. As I sat in his office for my appointment I just knew this is exactly where God meant for me to be. First, he is a Christian and believes firmly in treating the body as a whole as Christian principal – what a concept!

As I sat there I was blown away by how much he understood exactly what was happening with my body. He said I had a perfect storm going in which other medical issues I had were complicating my thyroid condition and that my thyroid condition was a specific type of thyroid condition an autoimmune disease called Hashimotos. He dealt with what I had going on emotionally, physically and spiritually. I walked out with a complete patient plan which included 5 new supplements (which you can buy anywhere), a new diet and exercise plan and a direct email to the good doctor himself.

He also did not charge me a dime because he knew we did not have a lot of financial resources as church planters and because of the work we were doing. What a great man of God!

I’ve been on the treatment plan for about 4 weeks and it’s been a night and day difference for me. I’m waking up on my own in the morning and can get out of bed – a HUGE victory. Most days I have enough energy to make it all the way through the day, even some to spare! My migraines have improved significantly and I am sleeping better during the night. It is just amazing!

I do have to thank all of the people who prayed for me, who prayed specifically for this doctor for me before we knew who he was. Your prayers have brought this victory! All glory to God!

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